The Training in Clinical Proteomics (TICP) program is Institute of Bioinformatics (IOB) flagship training course. IOB is a premier center for Proteomics and Computational Biology. IOB has established a state-of-the-art proteomics facility that is being utilized to explore and validate candidate biomarkers in a wide array of human diseases ranging from neurological disorders and infections to cancers. This intensive workshop will offer a theoretical and practical understanding of high-resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomic technologies and their clinical applications.
Refreshments and lunch will be provided throughout the day.
Accommodation for participants will be arranged on request. Cost of the accomodation is not included in the registration fee.
Registration fee is to be paid by either Demand Draft in favor of Institute of Bioinformatics, payable at Bangalore or by online cash transfer to Bank account of Institute of Bioinformatics, Bangalore (Account details will appear on selecting online cash transfer option below). Registration will be confirmed on receipt of the demand draft or the online cash transfer.